
We all want to be treated fairly. Or at least we think we want things to be fair. But what does justice really look like? Let’s take a look below


God Knows Justice

God loves justice. He loves to state what is right and set the standard for what is right, then correct and punish what is wrong. This is just the way of the world. We can actually see God’s justice from the first book of the Bible starting at the beginning of creation. Even Adam and Eve, the first humans had an experience with God’s Holy standard.

Jesus died on a cross as an innocent man. He was wrongly accused for doing evil but was really liberating the world of evil and sin. This world killed an innocent man instead of upholding justice. But what is justice you may ask? Justice is obeying the law and punishing law breakers. Jesus obeyed God’s law and taught people to obey God. BECAUSE Jesus spoke up for what is right in God’s sight, people hated him because he was good. This is not right. To hate someone for being good is wrong and we should never treat evil as being good. God knows what justice is and we should trust God to do what is fair.

Justice for People

We need to stand up for people who cannot stand for themselves. The world is full of people who need someone to help and speak up for them, we just have to take notice of them. The poor need someone to speak up for their rights. The poor need people to provide for them out of the abundance of others. People need to uphold what is right because clearly there are many people who do not want to do what is right in God’s sight. We cannot just keep silent while bad people destroy the good in the world. Today, people think it is okay to be wicked and they think there is no consequence for bad actions. Jesus came to earth to stand up for what is good and right in the world. He was the voice of those who could not speak up for themselves, and He was the voice of God. People deserve to be treated fairly, including being punished for wrong, receiving mercy where they may not deserve it, and being rewarded for good behavior. Evil should never seem like it is triumphing over good. Good or light is always and forever will win over evil.

Justice for the Oppressed

Many people today are being treated wrongly, but television and people may not really talk about it like it should be, through the eyes of jesus. an example of oppressed people were the jews who were hunted by hitler and put in to prison for their heritage. another example of oppression is in the book of exodus in the bible. The ISRAELITE'S were oppressed by PHARAOH of egypt by putting them in slavery and treating them harshly. God saw this and set them free.

today people look down on other people because of their race. if they don’t look like them, then the other race has the problem. this should not be. we shouldn’t be looking for any small difference in people to treat them poorly. America owned slaves for years before freeing them and giving them the same rights as another race. we should always treat people as we would want to be treated regardless of how they look. Other people are oppressed because of their religion or how much money they have. if you want to be a better person you have to realize that we live in a world full of all types of people, and eventually you will find someone who is not identical with you. We have to learn to love people, even our enemies, regardless of their beliefs or how much money they have. even if someone is doing something you do not agree with, you need to get understanding that you could be just like them in their eyes, and tolerate your differences. god saves anybody who changes their life from evil, regardless of how they look or the money they have.

immigrants need fair treatment and the rights that citizens have. when you think about how we are all on one planet together, to say one person can’t go to a part of the planet because they weren’t born their seems a bit silly. america has plenty of land,and we would have more jobs if we had to build more buildings to house immigrants. to keep immigrants out of our country shows that we do not understand how god wants us to be kind, nice, and loving to other people. When immigrants seek a better life in another country they should be welcomed with open arms, because we have to remember that citizens of a country probably had ancestors who were probably foreigners at one point, until they chose to move. Jesus is bringing all people who obey god together as one people, and this is an example of how a country should operate in regards to immigrants.


Justice for Widows

The church needs to take care of widows who are not able to take care of themselves or remarry. Losing a spouse is hard. Sometimes women lose their means of provision because their husband has passed away. This is sad and the church needs to support these women. We need to create programs within our CHURCH'S to embrace the community of widows in society who need support financially and spiritually. we need to set an example for people to not forget women who have lost their spouse so they know they are not going through life alone.

Elijah in the Bible took care of a widow who was at the point of death. She had lost her husband and it seems like she lost all her means of money and food. She told Elijah that she and her son were about to die. God had seen this woman and set the example of how we need to take care of widows. They may be going through a painful and hard time in life, and we must remember to relieve their suffering.1 Kings 17:7-16

Justice for the murdered

From the very beginning this world has known murder. God hates murder and we should to. It is not okay and many television and movies show murder as being good, like when you have been wronged. Many people in the Bible have been murdered because of their goodness and loyalty to God. This is not right and a very wrong act against God. God will get rid of every sin and abomination and murderer. We cannot be afraid to be good, just because there are murderers out there in the world. God sees everything and He is a protector. We have to remind people that they will not get away with murder. There are people in Heaven right now praying that God will bring justice to this world. Jesus was murdered and He was God’s Son. Don’t think for one moment that God will not bring justice to murders because He cannot forget what happened to Jesus. We have to believe that god will make everything that is wrong in this world right. it may seem bad now, but just hold on a little longer, god will make it better.